I just got back from work and am extremely exhausted. I think I'm down with fever as well... must be all that walking around in heavy rain two days ago in Nicosia-Cyprus.
I still have Hell in Cyprus Part II hahahaha but will continue after my rest. Till then enjoy guys, have a brilliant day!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
HELL in Cyprus Part I
It's nearly 2pm.I got here at 11.45am. Here means Northern Cyprus - the Turkish side. I meant to do my visa run here but it turned out to be a nightmare. Fucking nightmare.
When I reached the Asian Turkish airport,I queued up to check in. An immıgration offıcer standıng by gestered for my passport, took ıt and left wıthıtfor ages.He started checkıng on hıs computer, made calls, consult hıs colleagues - as though determıned to gıve me trouble. I really hate all these ımmıgratıon offıcers, they thınk they are fuckıng Gods.
Needless to say, everyone looked at me lıke I was a crımınal. I was patıent ınıtıally and after sometıme the fuckhead returned back my passport. When ıt was my turn to have my passport stamped, I was ın another trouble. What ıs theır fuckıng problem???! The guy made calls, keep scannıng my passport and typed furıously on hıs keyboard. Am I lıke bloody blacklısted?? Is ıt cos I'm Asıan?? Cos I know few non Asıan frıends here who barely had problems wıth theır vısa run. Why was I sıngled out and spotted from a dıstance and made to go through thıs agony??!
I don't wanna poınt fıngers and accused them of racısm but I really thınk my Asıan appearance cause these unwanted trouble. I'm from Sıngapore, not some 3rd world country. Then agaın people here don't even know Sıngapore exıst much less ıts placement on the world map.
I got more trouble at the Lefkosa Aırport. What sheer nıghtmare and travellıng alone and havıng to endure all that ıs a freakıng nıghtmare. The offıcer took so long scannıng my passport, at the same tıme gıvıng me a suspıcıous stare. I mean what the hell, I'm not comıng here to be a hooker! He asked whether ıt's my fırst tıme here (yes) and how long wıll I be stayıng for. I saıd I'll fly back tonıght and he stamped my passport and wrote there wıth hıs black ballpoınt pen '10 DAYS'. Talk about hospıtalıty.
Once I checked out, the tıny aırport was fılled wıth men. I don't mean that ın a posıtıve way. They just blatantly stare. The securıty and polıce eyed me wıth suspıcıons. It was darn ınsultıng and uncomfortable. I looked out of the aırport, there was just a massıve carpark and nothıng else. Where on earth could I go? My flıght back to Istanbul ıs at 7.35pm and I thought there would be shoppıng areas nearby to whıle the tıme away but I was dead wrong.
I had a drınk at a bar cum cafe ın the aırport and asked the man workıng there ıf there was any nearby shoppıng area and he saıd no. Imagıne the shock on my sheltered lıfe face! I saıd there must be somewhere I could go and he saıd no wıthout much compassıon. I was cursıng under my breath and tryıng to thınk what my optıons were. I took my tıme fınıshıng my drınk to just calm down and THINK.
Shortly after the aırport securıty walked ın and ordered a drınk. He spoke wıth the other staff there and I knew they were talkıng about me. How rude. Blatantly talkıng about me ın Turkısh when I'm just one and a half metres away. The offıcer laughed and the lot of them (all men) proceeded on to guess my natıonalıty and I heard the typıcal Japan and Chına reactıon I always get. Followed by more laughters and guesses range from Vıetnam, Phıllıpınes and Taıwan. From theır laughters and ıntonatıon, I could detect the mockery ın theır voıces. I was so angry and ınsulted but had to keep my calm cos last thıng I want ıs to get ın trouble wıth so called the people wıth authorıtıes. I sımply rolled my eyes, kept my pen and notebook, paıd and left. I could feel eyes followıng me.
To cut the story short, I found out there's a cıty Nıcosıa 23km away from the aırport and wıthout hesıtatıon, I got a cab to take me there. Fare was 40+lıra!!! Darn expensıve and the area ıs a dısappoıntment. There are lıke couple of lıttle street shops here sellıng tacky clothes and stuff and that's ıt. I was walkıng round and round IN HEAVY RAIN, lookıng for shops where I could buy souvenırs but tough luck. I spent over 40lıra on thıs??? I'm now typıng furıously away ın an ınternet cafe... well not really furıously cos I have a shıt keyboard here to begın wıth where I really have to punch ın the letters.Plus ıt's a Turkısh keyboard that's why I have dotless 'i's. Can't waıt to be back ın Istanbul... I really hope there won' be another drama wıth the ımmıgratıon offıcers there and they would gıve me my 90 days stamp.
Guts told me NO. I thınk I'm blacklısted for sure. Not faır, I've only been here for couple of months... I have Englısh natıve speakıng frıends here who have been lıvıng ın Istanbul for 8 years over and stıll no probs wıth vısa run. I'm really feelıng crap now. Just keepıng my fıngers crossed....
Gotta go now... wıll update when I reach Istanbul safely. Wısh me luck.
When I reached the Asian Turkish airport,I queued up to check in. An immıgration offıcer standıng by gestered for my passport, took ıt and left wıthıtfor ages.He started checkıng on hıs computer, made calls, consult hıs colleagues - as though determıned to gıve me trouble. I really hate all these ımmıgratıon offıcers, they thınk they are fuckıng Gods.
Needless to say, everyone looked at me lıke I was a crımınal. I was patıent ınıtıally and after sometıme the fuckhead returned back my passport. When ıt was my turn to have my passport stamped, I was ın another trouble. What ıs theır fuckıng problem???! The guy made calls, keep scannıng my passport and typed furıously on hıs keyboard. Am I lıke bloody blacklısted?? Is ıt cos I'm Asıan?? Cos I know few non Asıan frıends here who barely had problems wıth theır vısa run. Why was I sıngled out and spotted from a dıstance and made to go through thıs agony??!
I don't wanna poınt fıngers and accused them of racısm but I really thınk my Asıan appearance cause these unwanted trouble. I'm from Sıngapore, not some 3rd world country. Then agaın people here don't even know Sıngapore exıst much less ıts placement on the world map.
I got more trouble at the Lefkosa Aırport. What sheer nıghtmare and travellıng alone and havıng to endure all that ıs a freakıng nıghtmare. The offıcer took so long scannıng my passport, at the same tıme gıvıng me a suspıcıous stare. I mean what the hell, I'm not comıng here to be a hooker! He asked whether ıt's my fırst tıme here (yes) and how long wıll I be stayıng for. I saıd I'll fly back tonıght and he stamped my passport and wrote there wıth hıs black ballpoınt pen '10 DAYS'. Talk about hospıtalıty.
Once I checked out, the tıny aırport was fılled wıth men. I don't mean that ın a posıtıve way. They just blatantly stare. The securıty and polıce eyed me wıth suspıcıons. It was darn ınsultıng and uncomfortable. I looked out of the aırport, there was just a massıve carpark and nothıng else. Where on earth could I go? My flıght back to Istanbul ıs at 7.35pm and I thought there would be shoppıng areas nearby to whıle the tıme away but I was dead wrong.
I had a drınk at a bar cum cafe ın the aırport and asked the man workıng there ıf there was any nearby shoppıng area and he saıd no. Imagıne the shock on my sheltered lıfe face! I saıd there must be somewhere I could go and he saıd no wıthout much compassıon. I was cursıng under my breath and tryıng to thınk what my optıons were. I took my tıme fınıshıng my drınk to just calm down and THINK.
Shortly after the aırport securıty walked ın and ordered a drınk. He spoke wıth the other staff there and I knew they were talkıng about me. How rude. Blatantly talkıng about me ın Turkısh when I'm just one and a half metres away. The offıcer laughed and the lot of them (all men) proceeded on to guess my natıonalıty and I heard the typıcal Japan and Chına reactıon I always get. Followed by more laughters and guesses range from Vıetnam, Phıllıpınes and Taıwan. From theır laughters and ıntonatıon, I could detect the mockery ın theır voıces. I was so angry and ınsulted but had to keep my calm cos last thıng I want ıs to get ın trouble wıth so called the people wıth authorıtıes. I sımply rolled my eyes, kept my pen and notebook, paıd and left. I could feel eyes followıng me.
To cut the story short, I found out there's a cıty Nıcosıa 23km away from the aırport and wıthout hesıtatıon, I got a cab to take me there. Fare was 40+lıra!!! Darn expensıve and the area ıs a dısappoıntment. There are lıke couple of lıttle street shops here sellıng tacky clothes and stuff and that's ıt. I was walkıng round and round IN HEAVY RAIN, lookıng for shops where I could buy souvenırs but tough luck. I spent over 40lıra on thıs??? I'm now typıng furıously away ın an ınternet cafe... well not really furıously cos I have a shıt keyboard here to begın wıth where I really have to punch ın the letters.Plus ıt's a Turkısh keyboard that's why I have dotless 'i's. Can't waıt to be back ın Istanbul... I really hope there won' be another drama wıth the ımmıgratıon offıcers there and they would gıve me my 90 days stamp.
Guts told me NO. I thınk I'm blacklısted for sure. Not faır, I've only been here for couple of months... I have Englısh natıve speakıng frıends here who have been lıvıng ın Istanbul for 8 years over and stıll no probs wıth vısa run. I'm really feelıng crap now. Just keepıng my fıngers crossed....
Gotta go now... wıll update when I reach Istanbul safely. Wısh me luck.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Those Turkish Men...

When one mentions Turkey, aside from those breathtaking scenic views that comes to mind, Turkish men is also a hot topic. My gfs back home can't stop asking what are Turkish men like???
Of course you might have heard of those infamous Turkish 'Love Rats'. Nope, they don't look like rats, in fact, far from it. 'Love Rat' is a term for an adulterer/two-timer or someone who preys on females with the intention of taking advantages of them.
You've heard countless sobbing stories of foreign women here who fall prey to Turkish love rats. They got their feet swept off by some irresistably charming Turkish lad only to be duped of their feelings and money. The worst and notably common bit is those very same charming lads will marry the lovesick foreign women FOR THEIR CITIZENSHIPS and they'll divorce their foreign wives once they have earned their foreign citizenships. Nasty.
Ok I have an early flight to Cyprus tomorrow... really gotta start packing. I've to wake up at 4.30am!!!!! I promise I'll continue with more juicy stories of the infamous Turkish men soon! Enjoy!
Ok, I've not told you guys I've cut my hair like weeks ago and I TRULY HATE IT. I was going after a nice fresh modern bob but I dunno, it didn't turn out to be like the picture I showed my stylist!!!
First and foremost I went alone. NO ONE IN THE SALON SPEAKS ENGLISH. I was busy doing wild gesturing just to ask how much a haircut is for and what if I want a hairwash along with it. I thought he said it was 50 lira (cos all I could pick up from his speech was 'bes' which means 5.) One thing about me is I don't go for cheap haircuts or salons. Not being snooty or something but I equate quality with price. Especially when it comes to having hair cut, I can't afford MISTAKES. So, I thought 50 lira is not bad and agreed.
I specifically asked for a longer fringe than what it was in the picture. Once haircut was done, I thought my fringe was too short urghhh.... I don't have naturally straight hair, I have to flat iron my hair every few days. Imagine the crap I'll have with this fringe!!! What if it starts to rain suddenly and my fringe is soaked and it starts to curl up like a bloody burnt rose on top of my head?! Urghh!!!!!
And guess what? As I was about to pay, I looked at the receipt and realised it was 15 LIRA and not 50 LIRA. ;/
Anyways I know I need to show pictures, I will take some pics today and post them alritey? Gonna do my lesson plan now. Enjoy your day!!
First and foremost I went alone. NO ONE IN THE SALON SPEAKS ENGLISH. I was busy doing wild gesturing just to ask how much a haircut is for and what if I want a hairwash along with it. I thought he said it was 50 lira (cos all I could pick up from his speech was 'bes' which means 5.) One thing about me is I don't go for cheap haircuts or salons. Not being snooty or something but I equate quality with price. Especially when it comes to having hair cut, I can't afford MISTAKES. So, I thought 50 lira is not bad and agreed.
I specifically asked for a longer fringe than what it was in the picture. Once haircut was done, I thought my fringe was too short urghhh.... I don't have naturally straight hair, I have to flat iron my hair every few days. Imagine the crap I'll have with this fringe!!! What if it starts to rain suddenly and my fringe is soaked and it starts to curl up like a bloody burnt rose on top of my head?! Urghh!!!!!
And guess what? As I was about to pay, I looked at the receipt and realised it was 15 LIRA and not 50 LIRA. ;/
Anyways I know I need to show pictures, I will take some pics today and post them alritey? Gonna do my lesson plan now. Enjoy your day!!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Excuse me, who are you?
I just got back from Taksim. Yes did go to Taksim eventually since the weather cleared up. Went there with R and invited my colleague, M along so I could introduce those girls together since as expats here, we really appreciate making new friends.
They got along really well, in fact they have so much in common. We were in Taksim for like over 7 hours, you just can't get enough of that place! It's always buzzing especially in the evening onwards and it just gets exciting!
After dinner we were walking along Istiklal Street when we saw like bloody horde of paparazzi excitedly clicking away at this young chap who was busy posing with his Armani shirt and cowboy hat! We were like chattering on and on, on who this dude could possibly be and laughing away at the possibility that perhaps it was just a social/science experiment and that the guy was probably a nobody. But the guy was just into himself yea, he was busy posing, giving his best angle, try to look cool in his getup.
Once the press left, the guy joined his two other mates and we were walking behind him still trying to figure who he was... Guess we got a bit too loud cos his mates were turning back especially when R mentioned that he was probably wearing a fake Armani. Hahahha...
The guys then turned and said hi and curiosity got the better of me and I asked him, "Who are you? Are you like some superstar or something?" His mates (or bodyguards? or publicists?) answered he's a celebrity in Turkey, a salsa and hiphop dancer. We were asking for his name, it sounded like Mercan... I don't know, I'm bad with Turkish names.... But really? Celebrity? lol.
Geez I'm really exhausted but I still need to work on my lesson plan for tomorrow's lesson. Grr... I've a meeting too in the afternoon at O School tomorrow. Aah sucks. Knackered. Well you guys take care, I'm just gonna have a short rest now. Will be off to Cyprus the day after tomorrow. Busy busy!!!
They got along really well, in fact they have so much in common. We were in Taksim for like over 7 hours, you just can't get enough of that place! It's always buzzing especially in the evening onwards and it just gets exciting!
After dinner we were walking along Istiklal Street when we saw like bloody horde of paparazzi excitedly clicking away at this young chap who was busy posing with his Armani shirt and cowboy hat! We were like chattering on and on, on who this dude could possibly be and laughing away at the possibility that perhaps it was just a social/science experiment and that the guy was probably a nobody. But the guy was just into himself yea, he was busy posing, giving his best angle, try to look cool in his getup.
Once the press left, the guy joined his two other mates and we were walking behind him still trying to figure who he was... Guess we got a bit too loud cos his mates were turning back especially when R mentioned that he was probably wearing a fake Armani. Hahahha...
The guys then turned and said hi and curiosity got the better of me and I asked him, "Who are you? Are you like some superstar or something?" His mates (or bodyguards? or publicists?) answered he's a celebrity in Turkey, a salsa and hiphop dancer. We were asking for his name, it sounded like Mercan... I don't know, I'm bad with Turkish names.... But really? Celebrity? lol.
Geez I'm really exhausted but I still need to work on my lesson plan for tomorrow's lesson. Grr... I've a meeting too in the afternoon at O School tomorrow. Aah sucks. Knackered. Well you guys take care, I'm just gonna have a short rest now. Will be off to Cyprus the day after tomorrow. Busy busy!!!
Aaahhh My OFF Day!
I planned to go Taksim with R today. Taksim is at the European side of Istanbul (I'm residing at the Asian side). I love Taksim cos of its colorful and charming streets... just full of character and vibrance. Plus it helps the street shops there sell lotsa cool and cheap stuff. Sigh I miss shopping. I've been taking up lotsa teaching jobs just to quench my thirst for shopping... my my how pathetic is that!
Back in Singapore, I shopped non stop. $200 wallet, $150 dress... whatever I fancy. Over here, I simply can't afford to do so cos well.. pay scale isn't exactly high and I'm pretty much on my own. No mummy to cook for me and take care of my needs. It's a good learning journey for me as I appreciate the value of money more (well most of the times!). Before buying something I set my eyes on in the shop, I think not once, not twice but countless times and most of the times ended up NOT buying it. Aaah.. this little girl is growing.
Anyways due to bad weather, we cancelled the Taksim trip off and will be going to Optimum Mall instead nearer to where we are residing at. I can't wait. I simply love malls!!! Everytime I stepped in a mall, I feel more driven and motivated to work harder especially looking at all those gorgeous clothes, boots, hats and err... their price tags.
I can't wait, I hope I won't be late, painting my nails now and gonna get ready in 15 mins. Can't wait to meet R. She's the loveliest gf I've made here. Love her to bits - something just so incredibly positive and wonderful about her. Well gtg, c ya!!
Back in Singapore, I shopped non stop. $200 wallet, $150 dress... whatever I fancy. Over here, I simply can't afford to do so cos well.. pay scale isn't exactly high and I'm pretty much on my own. No mummy to cook for me and take care of my needs. It's a good learning journey for me as I appreciate the value of money more (well most of the times!). Before buying something I set my eyes on in the shop, I think not once, not twice but countless times and most of the times ended up NOT buying it. Aaah.. this little girl is growing.
Anyways due to bad weather, we cancelled the Taksim trip off and will be going to Optimum Mall instead nearer to where we are residing at. I can't wait. I simply love malls!!! Everytime I stepped in a mall, I feel more driven and motivated to work harder especially looking at all those gorgeous clothes, boots, hats and err... their price tags.
I can't wait, I hope I won't be late, painting my nails now and gonna get ready in 15 mins. Can't wait to meet R. She's the loveliest gf I've made here. Love her to bits - something just so incredibly positive and wonderful about her. Well gtg, c ya!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Day of Celebration!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow I know it's been so long! I didn't actually plan to update my blog today, just browsing through when I noticed I have like 4 views from different countries today!!! I mean WOW!!! I HAVE READERS???! Like seriously??? And I don't even have to slot some green notes in their pockets to read my blog, they actually on their own accord, are reading my blog!!! How awesome is that??! That certainly encourages me to keep updating religiously!!! ;D
Ok... today had been amazing so far. A week ago I got this new teaching job at this school, which I'm gonna name O School. O School is reputated to be one of the best language schools in Turkey therefore I was really thrilled to be apart of the team! I mean yea they have high standards and really out of the box teaching methods. I must admit though I was pretty intimidated at first by their teaching system and the amazing teachers there. I was like damnnn... I've always received great feedback from other schools I've worked in but this one is kinda out of my league! I like to think I do embrace challenges though so I really worked my ass off trying to justify my existence in that school.
Today was my observed lesson with the director and geez, I was darn nervous last night!!!! One thing about me which I brought along all the way from Singapore is that I'm a bloody perfectionist WHEN IT COMES TO WORK! It's not just ok for me to perform well, I have to be GREAT. And when I reached the point of being great, I get unsatisfied and aim to be ONE OF THE BEST. That's one thing I hate about myself sometimes... I truly give myself unnecessary stress with this obsession to perform well at work. To me, that equates my worth and value as an individual.
No doubt teaching is very very new to me. I was in the creative line for years and one day, I just enrolled myself for the Diploma in TESOL course, packed my bags upon graduation and headed to Istanbul to be an ESL teacher. I like the adventurous move, it's certainly about time, I'm always being too proper at times, it's almost sick.
Anyways as I was saying, I had an observed lesson with the director today and I was scared shit. Well, I got over my nerves pretty quick after that- simply because I spent ages on my lesson plans, my preparations etc, making sure everything was in tip top form. I just had to, I'm quite anal on things like that. I did role playing with my class and other stuff.
I love my students, they are a darn sporting and fun bunch, sometimes I really cracked myself laughing at their antics. I like to think they are comfortable with me too as I always like having fun in class, that's the best way to engage students really. I'm not afraid of making a fool of myself in class - to cringe my face and sobbed like a ditched cow or to be a drama queen. All I think about is - my students MUST have a good time learning in MY class.
To cut the story short, I went to the director's office after my class for my feedback. There were lotsa good things and couple of things he advised I should improve on. Generally he said it was really good and he enjoyed my class, it was fun and energetic, students were happy and excited.
I can't describe the feeling I had in me when I heard that. First and foremost, that director is like one darn tough cookie and a bloody bloody bloody driven perfectionist. In fact, he's like this person who's bursting with ideas and creativity and energy - I mean God have mercy on me, I received tons of emails from him pertaining to latest teaching methodologies, this teaching research, recommended websites and so on and so forth. This guy just never STOPS! He's forever on the roll, seems like he live to work and he works so O School will remain at the top of the list and from the looks of it, I think yea, it will!
So you can appreciate me saying that yea, his words means a lot to me especially when he's not a suck up, saying good things to his teachers all the time and sugar coating his words. This dude says it like it is.
I was estactic, I knew my hard work paid off, I knew with hard work one can see results. Though I was broke, I threw caution to the wind, whip out my credit card and head to my fave restaurant with E to celebrate. I blew like over 100lira but it was worth it! I bloody deserve it alrite!!!!!! WOOOooHoooo!!!
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