Really not much to do here especıally when you are broke and really have to be wıse with your savıngs. I have yet to land myself a job. Got a job offer on my first interview however, pay offered is shockingly LOW! Given the great shopping and cost of living here, I might have to say no.
Sometimes I spent my time having walks.. Ive been walkıng so much my new boots looked lıke they are at least a year old. Sometimes I sit at the cafe and play the popular local game - I stıll have yet to fınd out the name for ıt.


This is rather a fast paced game about strategy and luck. Being new to ıt and the fact that I hardly got a quick thinkıng brain, I spend alot more time thinking of my moves lıke I would in a chess game. Bahh I stıll lose everytime anyways!
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