I'm here now in my usual hangout cafe, not too far way from my place. My friend wanna watch the remaining of a local footie match on the bıg screen plasma here - Beşiktas VS Galatasaray.
Truth be told, I HATE FOOTBALL. I can never grasp the whole football frenzy and the basics of the game. The only bit I enjoy is when I can pratice my judgement whenever a 'foul' occurs, studying whether the player is shitting his way to earn a yellow card for his opponent. That's as far as my dream of being a psychologist goes.
Some gals love football for the handsome, sweaty players. Unfortunately I don't swing that way thus here I am in the cafe and in midst of screaming Turkish blokes, typing away on my new sexy red netbook.
I love the ambience though, there's something amusing and hilarious about men having their eyes glued to the screen, some with their mouths ajar. (Omg, Galatasaray just scored and a chubby Galatasaray fanatic fan clad in full jersey of its signature chrome and deep red just got out of the loo! Muahahaha... He must be pinching himself in the balls for missing that one!)
Oh praise God match has ended! Heading back home now! Wooo!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Just Another Day
I'm done with my lesson plans and now waiting for my nails to dry. I've class soon and can't bear to teach with chipped nails, I don't know for some reason I find students usually tend to scrutinise you from head to toe! The last time I had few streaks of baby pink hair, my female students spotted it right away though I had carefully stuffed it in the inner bits of my pony tail.
My first lesson today will be with this 13 year old kid, M. I like him, he's smart and he really wants to learn and that's what teachers love most. Great attıtude! Doesn't matter ıf ya slow but if you have the positive attitude, ya my favourıte student!
I still remembered the first time I spoke to M's mom. Boy, was she hard work! I heard my director telling her yea, we've found a foreign teacher to teach your kid.I was just beside my director, she was talking in Turkish so I just pıcked up the keywords and put pıeces together.
I was told before that M's dad is Irish and his mom is an Englısh teacher. So why does he need Englısh course, I asked my dırector. She told me his parents are divorced. Somehow I knew my natıonalıty would pose as a lıttle barrıer to me gettıng thıs teachıng gıg.
'Sıngapore,' I heard my dırector tellıng M's mom over the phone. Aah well, nothıng new. Everyone's dyıng for Englısh natıve teachers here and truth be told, there's no shortage of ıt. If ya blue eyed and blond, the better your appeal as an ESL teacher.
I knew the mom would wanna speak to me and true enough, the phone was suddenly passed to me.
I trıed to sound all cheery and nice and M's mom kept on askıng where I'm from. Sıngapore, Sıngapore, Sıngapore, I kept on answering. She asked ıf I've lıved in UK and I saıd no. She asked ıf I've lıved ın the States, I saıd no, I've lived in Sıngapore all my lıfe. -.-
There was a pause and I dıdn't mean to be rude when I told her Englısh ıs the offıcıal language ın Sıngapore. She was ımmedıately offended and got a lıttle hysterıcal tellıng of course she knew that, she watches the Dıscovery Channel all the tıme! Err... oh ok. Wow. She went on to say Turkısh people are not ıgnorant and they know that. Touchy aren't we.
Well I wasn't beıng a smart arse honestly. Not MANY people know that fact and certaınly not Turkısh. Hell even some of my Englısh frıends don't know that! I was just ınformıng here to ease her mınd that's all! For some reason I found ıt funny and I laughed. There was a pause. Then she laughed too. Boy, laughter sure ıs ınfectıous...or useful to dısguıse embarrassment.
Later she told the dırector that yea she was comfortable havıng me as her son's teacher. On the fırst lesson wıth M, she was there. She brought all hıs school books and proceeded on tellıng me what I should do, she sımply couldn't stop beıng a teacher. I was polıte to her and told her, no problem I know what to do and to trust me to do my job. Before she got offended and hysterıcal agaın, I put my hand on her arm and smıled tellıng her not to worry that I'd do my best. The warmth of a human hand ıs amazıng and can work wonders to break any form of hostılıty. She let her guard down and smıled, apologısıng to me for beıng too anxıous. (We called ıt 'KIASU' ın Sıngapore)
The lesson went fıne and I found myself extendıng my lesson tıme for M. It dawned to me how hard thıs lady must have worked to sıngle handedly support her chıld, wantıng hım to excel ın lıfe. I started understandıng her more.
Wokay, my naıls are almost drıed now so tıme for me to get ready for work! Cıao!
My first lesson today will be with this 13 year old kid, M. I like him, he's smart and he really wants to learn and that's what teachers love most. Great attıtude! Doesn't matter ıf ya slow but if you have the positive attitude, ya my favourıte student!
I still remembered the first time I spoke to M's mom. Boy, was she hard work! I heard my director telling her yea, we've found a foreign teacher to teach your kid.I was just beside my director, she was talking in Turkish so I just pıcked up the keywords and put pıeces together.
I was told before that M's dad is Irish and his mom is an Englısh teacher. So why does he need Englısh course, I asked my dırector. She told me his parents are divorced. Somehow I knew my natıonalıty would pose as a lıttle barrıer to me gettıng thıs teachıng gıg.
'Sıngapore,' I heard my dırector tellıng M's mom over the phone. Aah well, nothıng new. Everyone's dyıng for Englısh natıve teachers here and truth be told, there's no shortage of ıt. If ya blue eyed and blond, the better your appeal as an ESL teacher.
I knew the mom would wanna speak to me and true enough, the phone was suddenly passed to me.
I trıed to sound all cheery and nice and M's mom kept on askıng where I'm from. Sıngapore, Sıngapore, Sıngapore, I kept on answering. She asked ıf I've lıved in UK and I saıd no. She asked ıf I've lıved ın the States, I saıd no, I've lived in Sıngapore all my lıfe. -.-
There was a pause and I dıdn't mean to be rude when I told her Englısh ıs the offıcıal language ın Sıngapore. She was ımmedıately offended and got a lıttle hysterıcal tellıng of course she knew that, she watches the Dıscovery Channel all the tıme! Err... oh ok. Wow. She went on to say Turkısh people are not ıgnorant and they know that. Touchy aren't we.
Well I wasn't beıng a smart arse honestly. Not MANY people know that fact and certaınly not Turkısh. Hell even some of my Englısh frıends don't know that! I was just ınformıng here to ease her mınd that's all! For some reason I found ıt funny and I laughed. There was a pause. Then she laughed too. Boy, laughter sure ıs ınfectıous...or useful to dısguıse embarrassment.
Later she told the dırector that yea she was comfortable havıng me as her son's teacher. On the fırst lesson wıth M, she was there. She brought all hıs school books and proceeded on tellıng me what I should do, she sımply couldn't stop beıng a teacher. I was polıte to her and told her, no problem I know what to do and to trust me to do my job. Before she got offended and hysterıcal agaın, I put my hand on her arm and smıled tellıng her not to worry that I'd do my best. The warmth of a human hand ıs amazıng and can work wonders to break any form of hostılıty. She let her guard down and smıled, apologısıng to me for beıng too anxıous. (We called ıt 'KIASU' ın Sıngapore)
The lesson went fıne and I found myself extendıng my lesson tıme for M. It dawned to me how hard thıs lady must have worked to sıngle handedly support her chıld, wantıng hım to excel ın lıfe. I started understandıng her more.
Wokay, my naıls are almost drıed now so tıme for me to get ready for work! Cıao!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Do We Hardened Up As We Get Older?
As I get older, I realised not only do I have low tolerance for bullshit but I also tend to be less sympathetic and compassionate. I wonder why? Do we allow experiences to buıld up in us such that we have an invinsible layer of shield repelling anything from stirring our hearts?
I guess personally for me, as years go by, I realise the world isn't all it's made out to be. Santa Claus doesn't exist, mothers are abandoning their new born babies without a blink of an eye, that nice colleague at the corner isn't all that nice after countless attempts of stabbing your back, happy families mostly exist in Chinese dramas and nice guys (or gals) really do finish last.
Perhaps I learnt to be wiser as I get older, having experienced a chunk of what life has to offer but with that wisdom, I had to compromise my innocence and bright-eyed naivety - something which sugar coated my eyes about this world and not necessarily a bad thing.
When I was much younger, adults confused me. I used to wonder why they could be so heartless, stoic and unmoved. I remembered vowing not to grow up being one of them as I was proud of my sensitivity and compassion towards people. I remembered a family vacation trip to Indonesia back then. It was my first (and only) family vacation. I had grown up men and women on their knees begging me to buy some immitation Walt Disney necklaces from them. In Bahasa Indonesia, they told me they really needed to feed their kids back home, getting all misty-eyed. Though I knew the cheap material of the necklaces would leave a rash on my neck and the fact that I HATE Walt Disney characters, I gladly parted with my money and bought a bunch. I was happy to do so.
Then mom grabbed my wrist and told me to stop buying. Couple more of these sellers surrounded her, telling her their life stories. Looking annoyed, she just walked off dragging me along. I was angry with mom for being so unkind and rude. I even argued with her about it, it made no sense to me. I'd happily part with my money rather than buying pretty things for myself there. Bear in mind, we weren't well to do and I didn't really have much to spare.
Now in my late 20s, how things changed. Over a year here I've been in Istanbul and not once had I given a penny to the gypsies. Oh how they beg, how they sob and tell me their stories in Turkish (not that I understand), how they craddle their newborns in their dirty arms, offering a pungent smell everywhere they go but.. I still don't bulge with emotions. Sorry but I've learnt things about life that I've yet to when I was young and that is: sometimes it's a dog eat dog world and the weakest link DROWNS. I've experienced first hand how humans can be so evil and manipulative, preying on others' emotions for their gains. Though I don't see myself as a predator, I am not and refused to be taken as a prey.
I guess personally for me, as years go by, I realise the world isn't all it's made out to be. Santa Claus doesn't exist, mothers are abandoning their new born babies without a blink of an eye, that nice colleague at the corner isn't all that nice after countless attempts of stabbing your back, happy families mostly exist in Chinese dramas and nice guys (or gals) really do finish last.
Perhaps I learnt to be wiser as I get older, having experienced a chunk of what life has to offer but with that wisdom, I had to compromise my innocence and bright-eyed naivety - something which sugar coated my eyes about this world and not necessarily a bad thing.
When I was much younger, adults confused me. I used to wonder why they could be so heartless, stoic and unmoved. I remembered vowing not to grow up being one of them as I was proud of my sensitivity and compassion towards people. I remembered a family vacation trip to Indonesia back then. It was my first (and only) family vacation. I had grown up men and women on their knees begging me to buy some immitation Walt Disney necklaces from them. In Bahasa Indonesia, they told me they really needed to feed their kids back home, getting all misty-eyed. Though I knew the cheap material of the necklaces would leave a rash on my neck and the fact that I HATE Walt Disney characters, I gladly parted with my money and bought a bunch. I was happy to do so.
Then mom grabbed my wrist and told me to stop buying. Couple more of these sellers surrounded her, telling her their life stories. Looking annoyed, she just walked off dragging me along. I was angry with mom for being so unkind and rude. I even argued with her about it, it made no sense to me. I'd happily part with my money rather than buying pretty things for myself there. Bear in mind, we weren't well to do and I didn't really have much to spare.
Now in my late 20s, how things changed. Over a year here I've been in Istanbul and not once had I given a penny to the gypsies. Oh how they beg, how they sob and tell me their stories in Turkish (not that I understand), how they craddle their newborns in their dirty arms, offering a pungent smell everywhere they go but.. I still don't bulge with emotions. Sorry but I've learnt things about life that I've yet to when I was young and that is: sometimes it's a dog eat dog world and the weakest link DROWNS. I've experienced first hand how humans can be so evil and manipulative, preying on others' emotions for their gains. Though I don't see myself as a predator, I am not and refused to be taken as a prey.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
İyi Bayramlar! Good or Evil?
This week marks the celebration of the Kurban Bayram as what is known here in Turkey. For those who are not too familiar with it, it is a celebration by Muslims worldwide to commemorate the obedience of Prophet Ibrahim for his willingness to sacrifice his son to God. That was a test of faith which he aced before God compromised and allowed him to take a ram as the sacrifical replacement instead.
During this period, Muslims sacrificed animals namely cows, goats and sheeps and feed their meat to the poor as a rememberance of God's blessings and to remember the less fortunate. It is also during this period that I see a few of 'SAVE THE ANIMALS! SAY NO TO CRUELTY! STOP THIS CRAZINESS!' messages at the wallposts of my Facebook contacts, those who aren't Muslims that is. A couple even left rather distasteful remarks about Muslims and their practices leaving some of their Muslim friends greatly offended.
Now I don't understand all these hoo-haa... I find it almost hypocritical that some people choose to profess their sudden love and passion towards animal cruelty. Hypocritical because these are the very same people who enjoy their cheeseburgers, kebabs and steaks with great gusto! Excuse me, where do those meat come from? Guess what, they don't come falling from the sky. Surprise surprise.
Muslims believe in executing minimal pain when slaughtering these animals. The animals are slaughtered along with the recital of God's name and these animals should not be subjected to unnecessary torture and cruelty. There's a technique used in slaughtering these animals to execute as little pain as possible. Another thing to note is these meat are then shared and donated to the poor.
With all these dramas going on by others about this so called cruel practice, I'd suggest for them to start researching themselves on how fast food restaurants like KFC are slaughtering their chickens. Their chickens are being electrocuted and scalded by boiling hot water. Their beaks are also being chopped off and in their slaughterhouse, the chickens are all being cooped in a tiny area with barely any room to move.
I did a lesson on animal cruelty before with my students and one of the videos we watched was on animal cruelty practiced by KFC and I was nearly in tears watching it.
Truth be told, I'm not an animal lover. I don't expect people to agree with everything a religion dictates. However, I'm big on RESPECT and it irks me when people shoot their freaking mouths off especially when it comes to sensitive issues. I could think of thousand and one different religious practices that don't make sense to me but I certainly won't publish it on a public site like Facebook in full view of my other friends of all cultures and beliefs. I respect their beliefs and I can agree to disagree. No religion preaches hatred nor cruelty, only difference is their practice and documentation.
I can however understand vegetarians expressing great displeasure at this coz to begin with, they don't consume animals for pleasure or food. I completely appreciate the rationale behind this and found their disapproval of such practices to be genuine.
If I could sıdetrack a little, this keyboard is really driving me nuts.. I just got a sexy red Samsung netbook here thus it comes with Turkish keyboard and I really have to get used to the new keyboard now coz they have lotsa strange alphabets lıke ı, ş, ö, ç, ğ, ü etc.... so if you see an undotted 'i', you know why!
Till then, iyi bayramlar and enjoy your hols!
During this period, Muslims sacrificed animals namely cows, goats and sheeps and feed their meat to the poor as a rememberance of God's blessings and to remember the less fortunate. It is also during this period that I see a few of 'SAVE THE ANIMALS! SAY NO TO CRUELTY! STOP THIS CRAZINESS!' messages at the wallposts of my Facebook contacts, those who aren't Muslims that is. A couple even left rather distasteful remarks about Muslims and their practices leaving some of their Muslim friends greatly offended.
Now I don't understand all these hoo-haa... I find it almost hypocritical that some people choose to profess their sudden love and passion towards animal cruelty. Hypocritical because these are the very same people who enjoy their cheeseburgers, kebabs and steaks with great gusto! Excuse me, where do those meat come from? Guess what, they don't come falling from the sky. Surprise surprise.
Muslims believe in executing minimal pain when slaughtering these animals. The animals are slaughtered along with the recital of God's name and these animals should not be subjected to unnecessary torture and cruelty. There's a technique used in slaughtering these animals to execute as little pain as possible. Another thing to note is these meat are then shared and donated to the poor.
With all these dramas going on by others about this so called cruel practice, I'd suggest for them to start researching themselves on how fast food restaurants like KFC are slaughtering their chickens. Their chickens are being electrocuted and scalded by boiling hot water. Their beaks are also being chopped off and in their slaughterhouse, the chickens are all being cooped in a tiny area with barely any room to move.
I did a lesson on animal cruelty before with my students and one of the videos we watched was on animal cruelty practiced by KFC and I was nearly in tears watching it.
Truth be told, I'm not an animal lover. I don't expect people to agree with everything a religion dictates. However, I'm big on RESPECT and it irks me when people shoot their freaking mouths off especially when it comes to sensitive issues. I could think of thousand and one different religious practices that don't make sense to me but I certainly won't publish it on a public site like Facebook in full view of my other friends of all cultures and beliefs. I respect their beliefs and I can agree to disagree. No religion preaches hatred nor cruelty, only difference is their practice and documentation.
I can however understand vegetarians expressing great displeasure at this coz to begin with, they don't consume animals for pleasure or food. I completely appreciate the rationale behind this and found their disapproval of such practices to be genuine.
If I could sıdetrack a little, this keyboard is really driving me nuts.. I just got a sexy red Samsung netbook here thus it comes with Turkish keyboard and I really have to get used to the new keyboard now coz they have lotsa strange alphabets lıke ı, ş, ö, ç, ğ, ü etc.... so if you see an undotted 'i', you know why!
Till then, iyi bayramlar and enjoy your hols!
animal abuse,
animal cruelty,
hari raya,
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Vampire Part II - All my questions answered by a 'real life vampire'.
This is an update from my previous post. I got my reply from the vampire, very quick I must say. The exact reply from him is copied and pasted as below, enjoy.
" V, interesting questions there so I will give you the answers. Yes a lot of people are as you said glitter eyed at the thoughts of being a vampire and living forever. The fear of death is the driving force behind it all. I copied your post below and my answer is below each question.
My questions, if you would kindly answer, are:
1) Do vampires have sense of humour and amusement? Having lived hundreds of years, I can imagine you must have heard the oldest joke in the book and who knows, can actually guess the coming punchline of a story.
My Answer:
I really do have a sense of humor and I guess I have heard most of the jokes through out the ages. I love the laughter of a child and I have one dog that gives me a lot of amusement.
2) What about I.Ds? Do you guys carry i.ds or any form of identification documents? If you're really living your lives like an average human being, you must have been asked for your i.ds at some point of time. What about passports? How do you get them?
My Answer:
Until 9-11 Pass Ports or ID's were not a problem. Slowly but surely though people have come up that are willing to provide one with the necessary papers. It just costs a lot more than it once did.
Even diplomatic passports are available if you know where to look.
3) You talked about killing people before. What happened when the bodies were discovered? What was it classified under, did it baffle the cops?
My Answer:
There is not a vampire who has not killed at one point in time or another. If you search on line you can find plenty of records from around the world about strange deaths.
4) Have you ever killed someone to feed yourself and stumbled upon a newspaper report about his/her death the next morning? Was there guilt in you or something you feel had to happen for survival?
My Answer:
I have had to kill to protect myself and others and it will happen again some day. Young vampires though who kill in a feeding frenzy are often destroyed both to protect the human race and the vampire race.
5) If a teenager with active acne were made into a vampire, does it mean he/she will look like that his/her entire life - acne at the same spots for hundreds and hundreds of years?
My Answer:
Little things like acne would be cured by the changing. Limbs can not be grown back. I have seen weak old feeble people changed into vampires and you have a weak vampire. Often a vampire such as this is destroyed by the other vampires.
6) Do you like how the media portrays vampires as sex symbols? Do you find it amusing or offensive and ignorant?
My Answer:
I find it funny. I know vampires who are very sexy beings but I also know vampires who are fat and ugly. Not every vampire looks like Bill on true blood or Spike on Buffy.
7) Does life get boring having lived it all?
My Answer:
Yes I do find it boring at times but when I do I return to my roots. I love a good hunt with dogs and horses. I love to walk where history has happened. I love the low country of South Carolina. I travel there often. I visit the home of my ancestors and I am welcome there. I love to study history and have quite a collection of very old historical documents.
8) What is the best invention ever in your whole entire life?
My Answer:
It would have to be the home computer and the Space Shuttles. I would love to travel into outer space. I would love to look back at this small planet we all live on and share.
9) White men can't dance (or so they said). Can vampires dance?
My Answer:
I can dance but mostly the old dances of the old south. Every young man from my time in history was taught to dance.
10) As a vampire, do you have any phobia? (aside from life after death) Do you have phobia like us humans do - of cockroaches, heights, spiders etc?
My Answer:
Cockroaches and spiders. They both still bother me.
11) Do you know of any celebrity vampires?
My Answer:
I won't out them but there are a few. And a few who were once very famous but they have moved on or even in a case or two destroyed.
12) HOW do a vampire make another vampire? What process does it entail?
My Answer:
If you watched Interview with a Vampire by Ann Rice you know exactly how. The book by the same name got it almost exactly right.
13) You claimed vampires can hear the thoughts of human beings. Supposedly if you take public transportations or so and just hearing thoughts of random people, a) what usually goes in their heads? b) What was the most touching thing you've heard?
My Answer:
A grandmother worrying about her grand children touched me more than anything I ever over heard. The man who was causing all the problems is no longer among us. That is all I will say about that.
14) If vampires keep on multiplying and humans are sacrificed to feed them, what will happen to the world? Won't it be exhausted of its inhabitants?
My Answer:
There are not nearly as many vampires as one would think. No one I know of is going around making large numbers of vampires. I think you would really be surprised at how many young vampires never make it the first 100 years. I think I can safely say that if 100 vampires were created in the USA in this year only 1 maybe 2 will be alive in 100 years. It is extremely hard to survive as a young vampire.
15) What are all the common things that vampires and humans have?
My Answer:
I think I can safely say that love is the most common thing among humans and vampires. Love and companionship is one thing that humans and vampires both search for. And very few humans or vampires ever find true unconditional love.
Thank you for your time.
My Answer:
You are very welcome. I love answering questions like these. I hope it gives a insight into our kind. Peace to everyone and I will return soon."
" V, interesting questions there so I will give you the answers. Yes a lot of people are as you said glitter eyed at the thoughts of being a vampire and living forever. The fear of death is the driving force behind it all. I copied your post below and my answer is below each question.
My questions, if you would kindly answer, are:
1) Do vampires have sense of humour and amusement? Having lived hundreds of years, I can imagine you must have heard the oldest joke in the book and who knows, can actually guess the coming punchline of a story.
My Answer:
I really do have a sense of humor and I guess I have heard most of the jokes through out the ages. I love the laughter of a child and I have one dog that gives me a lot of amusement.
2) What about I.Ds? Do you guys carry i.ds or any form of identification documents? If you're really living your lives like an average human being, you must have been asked for your i.ds at some point of time. What about passports? How do you get them?
My Answer:
Until 9-11 Pass Ports or ID's were not a problem. Slowly but surely though people have come up that are willing to provide one with the necessary papers. It just costs a lot more than it once did.
Even diplomatic passports are available if you know where to look.
3) You talked about killing people before. What happened when the bodies were discovered? What was it classified under, did it baffle the cops?
My Answer:
There is not a vampire who has not killed at one point in time or another. If you search on line you can find plenty of records from around the world about strange deaths.
4) Have you ever killed someone to feed yourself and stumbled upon a newspaper report about his/her death the next morning? Was there guilt in you or something you feel had to happen for survival?
My Answer:
I have had to kill to protect myself and others and it will happen again some day. Young vampires though who kill in a feeding frenzy are often destroyed both to protect the human race and the vampire race.
5) If a teenager with active acne were made into a vampire, does it mean he/she will look like that his/her entire life - acne at the same spots for hundreds and hundreds of years?
My Answer:
Little things like acne would be cured by the changing. Limbs can not be grown back. I have seen weak old feeble people changed into vampires and you have a weak vampire. Often a vampire such as this is destroyed by the other vampires.
6) Do you like how the media portrays vampires as sex symbols? Do you find it amusing or offensive and ignorant?
My Answer:
I find it funny. I know vampires who are very sexy beings but I also know vampires who are fat and ugly. Not every vampire looks like Bill on true blood or Spike on Buffy.
7) Does life get boring having lived it all?
My Answer:
Yes I do find it boring at times but when I do I return to my roots. I love a good hunt with dogs and horses. I love to walk where history has happened. I love the low country of South Carolina. I travel there often. I visit the home of my ancestors and I am welcome there. I love to study history and have quite a collection of very old historical documents.
8) What is the best invention ever in your whole entire life?
My Answer:
It would have to be the home computer and the Space Shuttles. I would love to travel into outer space. I would love to look back at this small planet we all live on and share.
9) White men can't dance (or so they said). Can vampires dance?
My Answer:
I can dance but mostly the old dances of the old south. Every young man from my time in history was taught to dance.
10) As a vampire, do you have any phobia? (aside from life after death) Do you have phobia like us humans do - of cockroaches, heights, spiders etc?
My Answer:
Cockroaches and spiders. They both still bother me.
11) Do you know of any celebrity vampires?
My Answer:
I won't out them but there are a few. And a few who were once very famous but they have moved on or even in a case or two destroyed.
12) HOW do a vampire make another vampire? What process does it entail?
My Answer:
If you watched Interview with a Vampire by Ann Rice you know exactly how. The book by the same name got it almost exactly right.
13) You claimed vampires can hear the thoughts of human beings. Supposedly if you take public transportations or so and just hearing thoughts of random people, a) what usually goes in their heads? b) What was the most touching thing you've heard?
My Answer:
A grandmother worrying about her grand children touched me more than anything I ever over heard. The man who was causing all the problems is no longer among us. That is all I will say about that.
14) If vampires keep on multiplying and humans are sacrificed to feed them, what will happen to the world? Won't it be exhausted of its inhabitants?
My Answer:
There are not nearly as many vampires as one would think. No one I know of is going around making large numbers of vampires. I think you would really be surprised at how many young vampires never make it the first 100 years. I think I can safely say that if 100 vampires were created in the USA in this year only 1 maybe 2 will be alive in 100 years. It is extremely hard to survive as a young vampire.
15) What are all the common things that vampires and humans have?
My Answer:
I think I can safely say that love is the most common thing among humans and vampires. Love and companionship is one thing that humans and vampires both search for. And very few humans or vampires ever find true unconditional love.
Thank you for your time.
My Answer:
You are very welcome. I love answering questions like these. I hope it gives a insight into our kind. Peace to everyone and I will return soon."
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Vampires Amongst Us?
Do you believe in vampires? Yes ladies, wouldn't you like to think there are a bunch of Edward Cullens walking around in this planet and the guys, don't think I don't know about your fantasies of sexy vampires with long raven hair and cleavage spilling out of their corsets!

Whatever you vision of how vampires may be, have you ever pondered about their existence? Are there vampires roaming around in midst of us human beings?
I always surf and read in bed before I sleep. Old habit. I read about anything and everything. Last night I read about an interview with a so called real life vampire. What brought about this whole vampire phenomenon? Well... you won't believe it but it was actually Kim Kardashian. (I can imagine lotsa of you going, "Huh??")
I was watching Kim Kardashian on the Jay Leno show yesterday on TV. I told Em that Kardashian told the whole world she's a size 2 (err..yea, then I must be a Size -10). Em said she probably just said it for publicity stunt, after all there's no such thing as bad publicity. Em further commented that there was a Turkish singer, Mustafa Topaloglu, who claimed he was an alien. I laughed my head off at such ridiculousness but curiosity got the better of me thus I started googling this Mustafa guy. Unfortunately almost all of the sites about it are in Turkish. Thus I started wondering about the existence of vampires.
I recalled watching a Conan O'Brien's talkshow before where he invited a young man who claimed he was a real life vampire. It was such a dramatic start as couple of men carried what looked like a heavy coffin, up the stage. I was in stitches when the 'vampire' had to unglamourously nudge and push the coffin open before he made his way up the stage! He was even wearing a pair of fake fangs! hahahaha... Needless to say Conan was kinda dissing and poking fun at him throughout which I must admit, I couldn't fault him since it was so obvious that this guy was DELUSIONAL and moronic.
Anyways all that got me googling about vampires last night. I found a site where the writer interviewed a so called real life vampire who was born in 1712 Charleston S.C. The writer said he has never met the vampire before (interview was done via email and telephone) and it was up to the readers' discretion whether to believe or not.
I must admit the interview seemed pretty convincing. Questions poured in by readers and the vampire agreed to answer them as well. I was surprised that lots of readers had glitters in their eyes, they seemed to be so enchanted by this vampire (a he by the way). Many published their emails (one even stupidly gave his/her phone number) on the public site asking the vampire to contact them and extending friendships to the vampire. Couple of them asked the vampire ways and means on how to be one as well. It all sounded so ridiculous to me, the readers more than the vampire I must say as they seemed to be worshiping the ground of the vampire! Weird.
Anyways here are some of the interesting 'facts' that I've learnt from the site:
1) Vampires are not created from birth. They started off as humans and are 'made' into vampires by other vampires. What exactly does 'made' entails, I have no idea and wasn't answered by the vampire.
2) They CAN go out during the day, even under the sunlight. Only the newly made vampires tend to be a little sensitive of the sunlight but generally, no sunlight can perish them like what most movies seem to portray.
3) They MUST feed on blood from a BREATHING human not some blood bank nor blood off animals.
4) The puncture marks made when they drink the blood out of humans will quickly be sealed by their saliva.
5) Most vampires aren't evil. They kill for survival.
6) They can hear 100 times better than humans and can read humans' thoughts. They also just have to glance at a house to know whether anyone is inside and what the person is doing. Basically they have heightened senses.
7) Some of them have human lovers who are aware of their identities.
8) Once they are 'made' into vampires, their looks will be preserved. They will retain that physical appearance for hundreds of years. Even if they go for a haircut, it will grow briskly to the length they had when they were 'made'.
9) They can be killed by having their heads chopped off or their hearts taken out.
10) They don't readily 'make' other humans into vampires.
11) Most vampires are found in USA with a lower number in Europe.
12) One vampire who had previously killed another fellow vampire is currently believed to be residing in.................. Turkey!!!! *shudders*
13) Holy water and garlic do NOT work on them so sprinkle all you want and get all smelly-breathed.

Ok that's all I can remember offhand. This morning, I woke up and found myself typing away 15 questions to ask the err... vampire on that same site. My questions have yet to be published (needs to be approved by moderator) but I'll update here if they've been published and answered by the err...vampire.
Here are my questions:
1) Do vampires have sense of humour and amusement? Having lived hundreds of years, I can imagine you must have heard the oldest joke in the book and who knows, can actually guess the coming punchline of a story.
2) What about I.Ds? Do you guys carry i.ds or any form of identification documents? If you're really living your lives like an average human being, you must have been asked for your i.ds at some point of time. What about passports? How do you get them?
3) You talked about killing people before. What happened when the bodies were discovered? What was it classfied under, did it baffle the cops?
4) Have you ever killed someone to feed yourself and stumbled upon a newspaper report about his/her death the next morning? Was there guilt in you or something you feel had to happen for survival?
5) If a teenager with active acne were made into a vampire, does it mean he/she will look like that his/her entire life - acne at the same spots for hundreds and hundreds of years? (Hey I couldn't resist asking!!;p)
6) Do you like how the media portrays vampires as sex symbols? Do you find it amusing or offensive and ignorant?
7) Does life get boring having lived it all?
8) What is the best invention ever in your whole entire life?
9) White men can't dance (or so they said). Can vampires dance?
10) As a vampire, do you have any phobia? (aside from life after death) Do you have phobia like us humans do - of cockroaches, heights, spiders etc?
11) Do you know of any celebrity vampires?
12) HOW do a vampire make another vampire? What process does it entail?
13) You claimed vampires can hear the thoughts of human beings. Supposedly if you take public transportation or so and just hearing thoughts of random people, a) what usually goes in their heads? b) What was the most touching thing you've heard?
14) If vampires keep on multiplying and humans are sacrificed to feed them, what will happen to the world? Won't it be exhausted of its inhabitants?
15) What are all the things that vampires and humans have in common?
As you can see, either I have too much time on my sleeve, too curious a human being or that I simply need a freaking hobby.
I am open to the possibility of the existence of vampires, however I'm not quite 'sold' now. The world is certainly more exciting if they really do exist but a huge chunk of me is cynical as well.
What do YOU think?

Whatever you vision of how vampires may be, have you ever pondered about their existence? Are there vampires roaming around in midst of us human beings?
I always surf and read in bed before I sleep. Old habit. I read about anything and everything. Last night I read about an interview with a so called real life vampire. What brought about this whole vampire phenomenon? Well... you won't believe it but it was actually Kim Kardashian. (I can imagine lotsa of you going, "Huh??")
I was watching Kim Kardashian on the Jay Leno show yesterday on TV. I told Em that Kardashian told the whole world she's a size 2 (err..yea, then I must be a Size -10). Em said she probably just said it for publicity stunt, after all there's no such thing as bad publicity. Em further commented that there was a Turkish singer, Mustafa Topaloglu, who claimed he was an alien. I laughed my head off at such ridiculousness but curiosity got the better of me thus I started googling this Mustafa guy. Unfortunately almost all of the sites about it are in Turkish. Thus I started wondering about the existence of vampires.
I recalled watching a Conan O'Brien's talkshow before where he invited a young man who claimed he was a real life vampire. It was such a dramatic start as couple of men carried what looked like a heavy coffin, up the stage. I was in stitches when the 'vampire' had to unglamourously nudge and push the coffin open before he made his way up the stage! He was even wearing a pair of fake fangs! hahahaha... Needless to say Conan was kinda dissing and poking fun at him throughout which I must admit, I couldn't fault him since it was so obvious that this guy was DELUSIONAL and moronic.
Anyways all that got me googling about vampires last night. I found a site where the writer interviewed a so called real life vampire who was born in 1712 Charleston S.C. The writer said he has never met the vampire before (interview was done via email and telephone) and it was up to the readers' discretion whether to believe or not.
I must admit the interview seemed pretty convincing. Questions poured in by readers and the vampire agreed to answer them as well. I was surprised that lots of readers had glitters in their eyes, they seemed to be so enchanted by this vampire (a he by the way). Many published their emails (one even stupidly gave his/her phone number) on the public site asking the vampire to contact them and extending friendships to the vampire. Couple of them asked the vampire ways and means on how to be one as well. It all sounded so ridiculous to me, the readers more than the vampire I must say as they seemed to be worshiping the ground of the vampire! Weird.
Anyways here are some of the interesting 'facts' that I've learnt from the site:
1) Vampires are not created from birth. They started off as humans and are 'made' into vampires by other vampires. What exactly does 'made' entails, I have no idea and wasn't answered by the vampire.
2) They CAN go out during the day, even under the sunlight. Only the newly made vampires tend to be a little sensitive of the sunlight but generally, no sunlight can perish them like what most movies seem to portray.
3) They MUST feed on blood from a BREATHING human not some blood bank nor blood off animals.
4) The puncture marks made when they drink the blood out of humans will quickly be sealed by their saliva.
5) Most vampires aren't evil. They kill for survival.
6) They can hear 100 times better than humans and can read humans' thoughts. They also just have to glance at a house to know whether anyone is inside and what the person is doing. Basically they have heightened senses.
7) Some of them have human lovers who are aware of their identities.
8) Once they are 'made' into vampires, their looks will be preserved. They will retain that physical appearance for hundreds of years. Even if they go for a haircut, it will grow briskly to the length they had when they were 'made'.
9) They can be killed by having their heads chopped off or their hearts taken out.
10) They don't readily 'make' other humans into vampires.
11) Most vampires are found in USA with a lower number in Europe.
12) One vampire who had previously killed another fellow vampire is currently believed to be residing in.................. Turkey!!!! *shudders*
13) Holy water and garlic do NOT work on them so sprinkle all you want and get all smelly-breathed.

Ok that's all I can remember offhand. This morning, I woke up and found myself typing away 15 questions to ask the err... vampire on that same site. My questions have yet to be published (needs to be approved by moderator) but I'll update here if they've been published and answered by the err...vampire.
Here are my questions:
1) Do vampires have sense of humour and amusement? Having lived hundreds of years, I can imagine you must have heard the oldest joke in the book and who knows, can actually guess the coming punchline of a story.
2) What about I.Ds? Do you guys carry i.ds or any form of identification documents? If you're really living your lives like an average human being, you must have been asked for your i.ds at some point of time. What about passports? How do you get them?
3) You talked about killing people before. What happened when the bodies were discovered? What was it classfied under, did it baffle the cops?
4) Have you ever killed someone to feed yourself and stumbled upon a newspaper report about his/her death the next morning? Was there guilt in you or something you feel had to happen for survival?
5) If a teenager with active acne were made into a vampire, does it mean he/she will look like that his/her entire life - acne at the same spots for hundreds and hundreds of years? (Hey I couldn't resist asking!!;p)
6) Do you like how the media portrays vampires as sex symbols? Do you find it amusing or offensive and ignorant?
7) Does life get boring having lived it all?
8) What is the best invention ever in your whole entire life?
9) White men can't dance (or so they said). Can vampires dance?
10) As a vampire, do you have any phobia? (aside from life after death) Do you have phobia like us humans do - of cockroaches, heights, spiders etc?
11) Do you know of any celebrity vampires?
12) HOW do a vampire make another vampire? What process does it entail?
13) You claimed vampires can hear the thoughts of human beings. Supposedly if you take public transportation or so and just hearing thoughts of random people, a) what usually goes in their heads? b) What was the most touching thing you've heard?
14) If vampires keep on multiplying and humans are sacrificed to feed them, what will happen to the world? Won't it be exhausted of its inhabitants?
15) What are all the things that vampires and humans have in common?
As you can see, either I have too much time on my sleeve, too curious a human being or that I simply need a freaking hobby.
I am open to the possibility of the existence of vampires, however I'm not quite 'sold' now. The world is certainly more exciting if they really do exist but a huge chunk of me is cynical as well.
What do YOU think?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Smoking WEED
I got an email from my gf (no she's not some teen, she's actually substantially older than me) today for an invitation to a weed session. Yea sounds like some casual dinner date or a book club invite. lol.. She wanted bunch of us to get around at her place next week since her housemate won't be around and well, be 'happy'!
One thing I'm grateful for being me is I am NOT a follower and I do have my own ideas and opinions. I might not be as eloquent as some in expressing them but basically I'm comfortable with my own shadow and I don't succumb to peer pressure. I'm comfortable being on my own and I don't need to be surrounded by a bunch of people to feel confident and 'cool' . In fact, I'm ok with being UNCOOL. lol...
I simply told her nope, that's not my thing and I have strict principles on certain things and no to soft/hard drugs (as harmless or 'funny' as some people like to paint them) is one of them.
I tried to find out which countries legalize weeds but couldn't find any. Seems like in many parts of the world, weeds or marijuana are still illegal but of coz the tolerance towards it differs from countries to countries or areas to areas.
I don't get it, if you wanna be happy, go drink yourself silly and laugh - no one's stopping you. I always think drug users are silly and I'm still holding on to my sentiments.
Now how about that drinking session?
One thing I'm grateful for being me is I am NOT a follower and I do have my own ideas and opinions. I might not be as eloquent as some in expressing them but basically I'm comfortable with my own shadow and I don't succumb to peer pressure. I'm comfortable being on my own and I don't need to be surrounded by a bunch of people to feel confident and 'cool' . In fact, I'm ok with being UNCOOL. lol...
I simply told her nope, that's not my thing and I have strict principles on certain things and no to soft/hard drugs (as harmless or 'funny' as some people like to paint them) is one of them.
I tried to find out which countries legalize weeds but couldn't find any. Seems like in many parts of the world, weeds or marijuana are still illegal but of coz the tolerance towards it differs from countries to countries or areas to areas.
I don't get it, if you wanna be happy, go drink yourself silly and laugh - no one's stopping you. I always think drug users are silly and I'm still holding on to my sentiments.
Now how about that drinking session?
Sunday, November 7, 2010
THAT N-word.
I had a disturbing post on my FaceBook days ago. It started off with just a simple, innocent question about HERSHEY'S.

Frankly speaking I do think the poster is out of order especially when I have my Turkish and Black friends under my contact list. It seemed maybe years of being in Turkey had indeed took a toll on him. You could just detect his bitterness and resentment behind his snide and insensitive comment.
Firstly to address the issue about Turkish - like ALL THE OTHER NATIONALITIES, there are good people as well as bad eggs amongst them. I do think Turkey wants to be under EU (European Union) and one of the possible major reason why it's still not is because of the fact that it's a Muslim country. I don't like politics, never have been so I try to keep this simple and short. I don't know why the unneccessary dissing of the Turks. I don't know why the resentment against Turks (funny, then why are you here?) or rather the well-to-do ones. The remark was simply unkind and unclassy. He was really rubbing it into their faces.
The MAIN factor why I was disturbed was his apparent ease of using the word 'nigger.' For your info, this guy (whose nationality I will not reveal) is not my buddy, nor does he belong to my circle of friends. It's just that the foreign community likes to stay close and tight to one another in Istanbul. We are all connected to one another somehow (no kidding!). We are from the same expat group and he added me on FB. He's a documentary film-maker whose films had been broadcasted on one of the major international channels. For such a supposedly intelligent and worldly man, it came as a surprise.
According to Wikipedia: Nigger is a noun in the English language, most notable for its usage in a pejorative context to refer to black people (generally people of Sub-Saharan African descent), and also as an informal slang term, among other contexts. It is a common ethnic slur.
'Nigger' by Randall Kennedy is a provocative read that studied the history of the word 'nigger'. It carried a broader and wider perspective on the defination of the the word, which is mostly associated with being a racial slur. It talked about how the usage of the word varies from person to person and some might not associate it with negativity nor find it offensive. It also touched on the limitations of freedom of speech and how as the world evolves, should certain taboo words slowly be accepted?
I have yet to read the book and must admit, it does draw me in. I think it sounds a very thought-provoking and worthy read. After I'm done with my 'The Tipping Point' by Malcolm Gladwell, I'll hunt for the book, hopefully I can find here in Istanbul. Sometimes the selection of English novels/books here can be pretty limited.
Anyways, I honestly don't give a damn about evolvement of the world or whatsoever - if something was highly offensive, it still is. If 20 years ago, someone called me a 'Chink' or 'slanted eyes', I still would be as offended before as I will now, 20 years later. 20 years is a long time and does it make something so wrong acceptable? No. If in the 19th century, the word 'nigger' is freely and casually used in novels, certainly now smarter, wiser and more racially integrated society like ours (or so that I like to believe) should know better than to shoot it off our mouths. Who decides if the negative connotation should be shed off the word? Certain not the Blacks. What then gives anyone the right to justify its usage?
There are arguments though asking why is it acceptable for the Black community to call one another 'nigger' but NOT by someone of a different race. I did ask myself that. Could it be an inside joke, an unconventional form of endearment or acknowledgement of connection? God knows but hey, my take is, don't bother giving yourself any migraine over it. If ya not one of them, shut it and respect coz each and everyone of us has his/her own social responsibility in this world...

Frankly speaking I do think the poster is out of order especially when I have my Turkish and Black friends under my contact list. It seemed maybe years of being in Turkey had indeed took a toll on him. You could just detect his bitterness and resentment behind his snide and insensitive comment.
Firstly to address the issue about Turkish - like ALL THE OTHER NATIONALITIES, there are good people as well as bad eggs amongst them. I do think Turkey wants to be under EU (European Union) and one of the possible major reason why it's still not is because of the fact that it's a Muslim country. I don't like politics, never have been so I try to keep this simple and short. I don't know why the unneccessary dissing of the Turks. I don't know why the resentment against Turks (funny, then why are you here?) or rather the well-to-do ones. The remark was simply unkind and unclassy. He was really rubbing it into their faces.
The MAIN factor why I was disturbed was his apparent ease of using the word 'nigger.' For your info, this guy (whose nationality I will not reveal) is not my buddy, nor does he belong to my circle of friends. It's just that the foreign community likes to stay close and tight to one another in Istanbul. We are all connected to one another somehow (no kidding!). We are from the same expat group and he added me on FB. He's a documentary film-maker whose films had been broadcasted on one of the major international channels. For such a supposedly intelligent and worldly man, it came as a surprise.
According to Wikipedia: Nigger is a noun in the English language, most notable for its usage in a pejorative context to refer to black people (generally people of Sub-Saharan African descent), and also as an informal slang term, among other contexts. It is a common ethnic slur.
'Nigger' by Randall Kennedy is a provocative read that studied the history of the word 'nigger'. It carried a broader and wider perspective on the defination of the the word, which is mostly associated with being a racial slur. It talked about how the usage of the word varies from person to person and some might not associate it with negativity nor find it offensive. It also touched on the limitations of freedom of speech and how as the world evolves, should certain taboo words slowly be accepted?
I have yet to read the book and must admit, it does draw me in. I think it sounds a very thought-provoking and worthy read. After I'm done with my 'The Tipping Point' by Malcolm Gladwell, I'll hunt for the book, hopefully I can find here in Istanbul. Sometimes the selection of English novels/books here can be pretty limited.
Anyways, I honestly don't give a damn about evolvement of the world or whatsoever - if something was highly offensive, it still is. If 20 years ago, someone called me a 'Chink' or 'slanted eyes', I still would be as offended before as I will now, 20 years later. 20 years is a long time and does it make something so wrong acceptable? No. If in the 19th century, the word 'nigger' is freely and casually used in novels, certainly now smarter, wiser and more racially integrated society like ours (or so that I like to believe) should know better than to shoot it off our mouths. Who decides if the negative connotation should be shed off the word? Certain not the Blacks. What then gives anyone the right to justify its usage?
There are arguments though asking why is it acceptable for the Black community to call one another 'nigger' but NOT by someone of a different race. I did ask myself that. Could it be an inside joke, an unconventional form of endearment or acknowledgement of connection? God knows but hey, my take is, don't bother giving yourself any migraine over it. If ya not one of them, shut it and respect coz each and everyone of us has his/her own social responsibility in this world...
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Happy Deepavali!!!
Today's Deepavali (as what's known in Singapore) or Diwali as according to my British Indian gf, R. We went to a lovely Indian restaurant with D and N. D's American and N's Russian. I love the fact that all of us, so different in culture and nationality got together to celebrate this day specially for R. We really wanted R to have a good Deepavali since she's away from her family. It's tough sometimes to be spending festive season without your loved ones.
It was an authentic Indian restaurant called Musafir in Taksim. A modest restaurant (though not so modest prices) with beautiful Indian setting, the place was simply charming. There was even a flat screen tv at the back playing Bollywood movies. I was surprised to see quite a number of Indians dining there as well, along with their Turkish or foreign friends. For the first time, I was in a place where there was a gathering of the Indian community in Istanbul. I thought that was lovely.
As we were heading to our table, a table of Indians said hi to R. R later told me one of the guys there got real chummy and flirty with her gf days ago. Well it wouldn't be a problem had it not been the fact that his FIANCEE was sitting next to him! Seriously I don't know why men have to be such asses sometimes! I did notice another girl at their table as she was not only exotically beautiful, she totally lit up the place with her gorgeous sari, looking breathtakingly ravishing.
We ordered Buttered Chicken, Lamb Briyani, Chicken Tikka Masaala, Buttered Rice, Garlic Naan and ermm... well I can't really remember the name, it was something like Appa-blahblah Pa-blahblah. It's like a gravy with spinach. The dishes were definitely NOT disappointing, it was heavenly and sits perfectly in your stomach. It felt so damn nice to be eating Asian cuisine again, certainly once in a blue moon kinda treat.
D and N went off after dinner cos D's married (boo!) and N has a really possessive Turkish bf (whom she really needs to dump) so R and I decided to roam around Taksim looking for a nice bar that played ENGLISH SONGS. Unfortunately though expectedly, we couldn't find any so we sat at some bar for a chat.
"Excuse me ladies...," I heard as the guy who was sitting at the table next to us approached our table. R and I just looked at each other with the 'Not again!' look. Seriously it's getting exhausting the way the local lads ALWAYS try to chat up foreign gals. "Would you... come sit... me, my friend table?" he continued.
"No, thank you," I said curtly. He smiled and apologised to us for disturbing. Fair enough, he wasn't pushy. R and I were chatting again though the night was wearing us out. It didn't help that the live band was belting out some depressing Turkish tunes.
After some time, out of the corner of my eyes, I could see the same lil bugger coming over again to our table.
"Err... where are you from?" he asked. If I could get a dollar everytime I had this question thrown at me, I'd be retired by now.
"Singapore and London," we answered, hardly any friendliness in our tone.
"Aaaah.." he said,"I asked cos you know.. I think you are.." and he started making a gesture with his hand like some dj spinning.
"And what is this???" I asked him, immitating his gesture exaggeratingly.
"Pardon, my English...not good. Like you know.. I look at you... like... I don't know how to say... different. Different nationality? That's why I come... and ask," he explained smiling. I nodded and continued talking to R, ignoring him. Again he apologised us for disturbing and retreated back to his seat.
As we got up to walk to the bar area to pay for our drinks, I heard his annoying voice again, "Ladies! Ladies!!! LAddddiesssss.." I paid no attention to it and just walked ahead.
While we were waiting for the barman to collect our money, guess whose face suddenly popped out of nowhere? Yes, HIM. Again. The one who apologised to us TWICE for DISTURBING us. I'm starting to think the apology didn't really mean a thing now!
He started talking again and this time, I didn't even wanna look at his direction, whatmore his face. I heard him asked if we wanna join him and his friend to another bar or club. R politely and firmly declined and he said sorry again for disturbing (!!!) and left. -.-
We were disturbed again by other local lads on our way back to the dolmus station and one of them pissed us off. He knew we were mad and he was like,"What, you girls angry? Why? Oh my gawd. You are sad girls." I really laughed my ass off. I don't know why but I thought it was funny.
Yes, we were the sad girls...
It was an authentic Indian restaurant called Musafir in Taksim. A modest restaurant (though not so modest prices) with beautiful Indian setting, the place was simply charming. There was even a flat screen tv at the back playing Bollywood movies. I was surprised to see quite a number of Indians dining there as well, along with their Turkish or foreign friends. For the first time, I was in a place where there was a gathering of the Indian community in Istanbul. I thought that was lovely.
As we were heading to our table, a table of Indians said hi to R. R later told me one of the guys there got real chummy and flirty with her gf days ago. Well it wouldn't be a problem had it not been the fact that his FIANCEE was sitting next to him! Seriously I don't know why men have to be such asses sometimes! I did notice another girl at their table as she was not only exotically beautiful, she totally lit up the place with her gorgeous sari, looking breathtakingly ravishing.
We ordered Buttered Chicken, Lamb Briyani, Chicken Tikka Masaala, Buttered Rice, Garlic Naan and ermm... well I can't really remember the name, it was something like Appa-blahblah Pa-blahblah. It's like a gravy with spinach. The dishes were definitely NOT disappointing, it was heavenly and sits perfectly in your stomach. It felt so damn nice to be eating Asian cuisine again, certainly once in a blue moon kinda treat.
D and N went off after dinner cos D's married (boo!) and N has a really possessive Turkish bf (whom she really needs to dump) so R and I decided to roam around Taksim looking for a nice bar that played ENGLISH SONGS. Unfortunately though expectedly, we couldn't find any so we sat at some bar for a chat.
"Excuse me ladies...," I heard as the guy who was sitting at the table next to us approached our table. R and I just looked at each other with the 'Not again!' look. Seriously it's getting exhausting the way the local lads ALWAYS try to chat up foreign gals. "Would you... come sit... me, my friend table?" he continued.
"No, thank you," I said curtly. He smiled and apologised to us for disturbing. Fair enough, he wasn't pushy. R and I were chatting again though the night was wearing us out. It didn't help that the live band was belting out some depressing Turkish tunes.
After some time, out of the corner of my eyes, I could see the same lil bugger coming over again to our table.
"Err... where are you from?" he asked. If I could get a dollar everytime I had this question thrown at me, I'd be retired by now.
"Singapore and London," we answered, hardly any friendliness in our tone.
"Aaaah.." he said,"I asked cos you know.. I think you are.." and he started making a gesture with his hand like some dj spinning.
"And what is this???" I asked him, immitating his gesture exaggeratingly.
"Pardon, my English...not good. Like you know.. I look at you... like... I don't know how to say... different. Different nationality? That's why I come... and ask," he explained smiling. I nodded and continued talking to R, ignoring him. Again he apologised us for disturbing and retreated back to his seat.
As we got up to walk to the bar area to pay for our drinks, I heard his annoying voice again, "Ladies! Ladies!!! LAddddiesssss.." I paid no attention to it and just walked ahead.
While we were waiting for the barman to collect our money, guess whose face suddenly popped out of nowhere? Yes, HIM. Again. The one who apologised to us TWICE for DISTURBING us. I'm starting to think the apology didn't really mean a thing now!
He started talking again and this time, I didn't even wanna look at his direction, whatmore his face. I heard him asked if we wanna join him and his friend to another bar or club. R politely and firmly declined and he said sorry again for disturbing (!!!) and left. -.-
We were disturbed again by other local lads on our way back to the dolmus station and one of them pissed us off. He knew we were mad and he was like,"What, you girls angry? Why? Oh my gawd. You are sad girls." I really laughed my ass off. I don't know why but I thought it was funny.
Yes, we were the sad girls...
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