Whatever you vision of how vampires may be, have you ever pondered about their existence? Are there vampires roaming around in midst of us human beings?
I always surf and read in bed before I sleep. Old habit. I read about anything and everything. Last night I read about an interview with a so called real life vampire. What brought about this whole vampire phenomenon? Well... you won't believe it but it was actually Kim Kardashian. (I can imagine lotsa of you going, "Huh??")
I was watching Kim Kardashian on the Jay Leno show yesterday on TV. I told Em that Kardashian told the whole world she's a size 2 (err..yea, then I must be a Size -10). Em said she probably just said it for publicity stunt, after all there's no such thing as bad publicity. Em further commented that there was a Turkish singer, Mustafa Topaloglu, who claimed he was an alien. I laughed my head off at such ridiculousness but curiosity got the better of me thus I started googling this Mustafa guy. Unfortunately almost all of the sites about it are in Turkish. Thus I started wondering about the existence of vampires.
I recalled watching a Conan O'Brien's talkshow before where he invited a young man who claimed he was a real life vampire. It was such a dramatic start as couple of men carried what looked like a heavy coffin, up the stage. I was in stitches when the 'vampire' had to unglamourously nudge and push the coffin open before he made his way up the stage! He was even wearing a pair of fake fangs! hahahaha... Needless to say Conan was kinda dissing and poking fun at him throughout which I must admit, I couldn't fault him since it was so obvious that this guy was DELUSIONAL and moronic.
Anyways all that got me googling about vampires last night. I found a site where the writer interviewed a so called real life vampire who was born in 1712 Charleston S.C. The writer said he has never met the vampire before (interview was done via email and telephone) and it was up to the readers' discretion whether to believe or not.
I must admit the interview seemed pretty convincing. Questions poured in by readers and the vampire agreed to answer them as well. I was surprised that lots of readers had glitters in their eyes, they seemed to be so enchanted by this vampire (a he by the way). Many published their emails (one even stupidly gave his/her phone number) on the public site asking the vampire to contact them and extending friendships to the vampire. Couple of them asked the vampire ways and means on how to be one as well. It all sounded so ridiculous to me, the readers more than the vampire I must say as they seemed to be worshiping the ground of the vampire! Weird.
Anyways here are some of the interesting 'facts' that I've learnt from the site:
1) Vampires are not created from birth. They started off as humans and are 'made' into vampires by other vampires. What exactly does 'made' entails, I have no idea and wasn't answered by the vampire.
2) They CAN go out during the day, even under the sunlight. Only the newly made vampires tend to be a little sensitive of the sunlight but generally, no sunlight can perish them like what most movies seem to portray.
3) They MUST feed on blood from a BREATHING human not some blood bank nor blood off animals.
4) The puncture marks made when they drink the blood out of humans will quickly be sealed by their saliva.
5) Most vampires aren't evil. They kill for survival.
6) They can hear 100 times better than humans and can read humans' thoughts. They also just have to glance at a house to know whether anyone is inside and what the person is doing. Basically they have heightened senses.
7) Some of them have human lovers who are aware of their identities.
8) Once they are 'made' into vampires, their looks will be preserved. They will retain that physical appearance for hundreds of years. Even if they go for a haircut, it will grow briskly to the length they had when they were 'made'.
9) They can be killed by having their heads chopped off or their hearts taken out.
10) They don't readily 'make' other humans into vampires.
11) Most vampires are found in USA with a lower number in Europe.
12) One vampire who had previously killed another fellow vampire is currently believed to be residing in.................. Turkey!!!! *shudders*
13) Holy water and garlic do NOT work on them so sprinkle all you want and get all smelly-breathed.

Ok that's all I can remember offhand. This morning, I woke up and found myself typing away 15 questions to ask the err... vampire on that same site. My questions have yet to be published (needs to be approved by moderator) but I'll update here if they've been published and answered by the err...vampire.
Here are my questions:
1) Do vampires have sense of humour and amusement? Having lived hundreds of years, I can imagine you must have heard the oldest joke in the book and who knows, can actually guess the coming punchline of a story.
2) What about I.Ds? Do you guys carry i.ds or any form of identification documents? If you're really living your lives like an average human being, you must have been asked for your i.ds at some point of time. What about passports? How do you get them?
3) You talked about killing people before. What happened when the bodies were discovered? What was it classfied under, did it baffle the cops?
4) Have you ever killed someone to feed yourself and stumbled upon a newspaper report about his/her death the next morning? Was there guilt in you or something you feel had to happen for survival?
5) If a teenager with active acne were made into a vampire, does it mean he/she will look like that his/her entire life - acne at the same spots for hundreds and hundreds of years? (Hey I couldn't resist asking!!;p)
6) Do you like how the media portrays vampires as sex symbols? Do you find it amusing or offensive and ignorant?
7) Does life get boring having lived it all?
8) What is the best invention ever in your whole entire life?
9) White men can't dance (or so they said). Can vampires dance?
10) As a vampire, do you have any phobia? (aside from life after death) Do you have phobia like us humans do - of cockroaches, heights, spiders etc?
11) Do you know of any celebrity vampires?
12) HOW do a vampire make another vampire? What process does it entail?
13) You claimed vampires can hear the thoughts of human beings. Supposedly if you take public transportation or so and just hearing thoughts of random people, a) what usually goes in their heads? b) What was the most touching thing you've heard?
14) If vampires keep on multiplying and humans are sacrificed to feed them, what will happen to the world? Won't it be exhausted of its inhabitants?
15) What are all the things that vampires and humans have in common?
As you can see, either I have too much time on my sleeve, too curious a human being or that I simply need a freaking hobby.
I am open to the possibility of the existence of vampires, however I'm not quite 'sold' now. The world is certainly more exciting if they really do exist but a huge chunk of me is cynical as well.
What do YOU think?
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