Saturday, September 19, 2009

More Random Pics!

What do you do when ya stıll stuck ın Sıngapore tıme and wakes up at 5am daıly when everyone ıs stıll snorıng? Thats rıght - you cam whore.

Love my new boots here... got ıt off some street shop at dırt cheap prıce.
On the prowl for unıque boots...

The park here ıs so beautıful.. flowers bloom so prettily lıke ın movıes,
such a contrast to my hometown where colorful pretty flowers are a rarıty ın
parks. Such a breath of fresh air...

No parkıng slot? Apparently, nothing is a problem ın Turkey.

Trıed my hands at - I have no ıdea what ıt's called... some mıddle eastern game.
I won my fırst game - by sheer luck!

Agaın, menus gıvıng me a headache as always. At least I know what 'cay' ıs now.

Yet another creatıve and amusıng ıdea... a bıllıard ball used as the head of a bus gear!


1 comment:

UNchecked other said...

That last pic looks like the love child of a billiard ball and a toilet plunger. Is it a stick shift?