Perhaps this last month here, I will do major contemplation on this country I call HOME. I've never been known for my patriotism. I have never spent a cent buying Singapore's flag to hang up for all to see during our National Day nor would I do it even if I got one for free! Yes, yes shame on me.
Here is what a typical flat in Singapore looks right around National Day:

I don't wish to be sued for unauthorized picture *horrors* thus this is credited to as highlighted on the bottom left hand of the picture hehe... Awesome display of patriotism there isnt it?
So aside from a sudden strange passion I have for my country, I know I will miss my friends a bunch too. Great that I don't have many! haha... I am certainly not an easy person to get along with, I sure do have my charms when I'm in a good mood, HOWEVER, as typical Geminis do, we are pretty much temperamental as it is! Another I rather stay weekends at home alone than going out with 'friends' whom I don't quite fancy.
I guess it's good and it's bad as well... I am pretty much honest about my feelings be it resentment or love. If I don't like you, chances are I won't bother going out with you or being nice to you and that I truly see you as a waste of my time. I do have a friend with wide circle of friends and I credit it to her good naturedness and also to the fact she bothers to go out with people whom she don't quite fancy and blending in with them. Again, I do not see anything wrong with it, I mean whatever rocks your day really, just that I find it too tiresome to put on a facade and personally, I feel it's as though I'm lowering myself just to have company. That, my friend, I see as a weakness - to be dependent on something/someone. What about you? Quality vs Quantity. What's your take? Do you enjoy the friends you hang around with? Or do you just keep the few gems in your life?
Speaking of friends, 2 special ladies I wish to show off:

They are both on the left (SY) and middle (T). Im the one on the right. Speaking of right and left, if not for the mole on my left hand, I would have no clear idea on how to distinguish these two. Thus if I'm in the cab and the driver asked for direction to my destination, chances are I'll do a quick glance at my mole for reassurance before directing the driver to turn right...or left. I never have problems with forward and backward though hahaha...
Aaah don't we just look like we swallowed some orange light bulbs or something? The way we freaking GLOW in the pics!!!! Aaaah the wonder of photoshop. I'm a designer in profession thus photoshop is kinda my best friend. Not to say, it totally diminish my problem skin (in a false hope way) so I look absolutely forgiving, leaning towards fantastic in pictures! How I wish they'll invent some photoshop machine as well!!!! I'll be the first in the queue to snap it!
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