Wednesday, August 26, 2009

They're Just Having a BAD Day!

I'm sure this has happened to you before... Just sheer rudeness by someone without any tinge of provocation. What do you do? Retaliate? Let it pass?

I always pay rudeness with rudeness. After all, who do the person he/she is showing me such disrespect?! Today, it happened again.

Our delivery guy was supposed to send something to my 'princessy' client at the comfort of her condominium at some posh district.

He called me with such attitude telling me off for giving him an incomplete address to deliver to. Oh oh... don't you push it, I am not exactly known for my graciousness nor tolerance. I retaliated back with the same attitude and rudeness. Tit for a tat. I then checked with my client who confirmed with me, that is the full address (is the posher your district, the simpler and shorter your mailing address?). Uh-uh! I called back the bugger and told him off smugly now that I'm dead sure he was in the wrong. Grudgingly, he said fine and that he will look for it.

I later found out later from my colleague that his brother, who was in his 30s, had passed away recently. I felt awful. Had I known that, I would have let him vent out all his anger on me and just let his rudeness pass... Why was I so quick to retaliate? Why couldn't I think maybe he's just having a bad day? Why couldn't I tell myself he acted that way for a reason?

Next time if someone lashed out at you or seemed rude to you for no apparent reason, give his seemingly character the benefit of doubt. Maybe he's really having a bad day...


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