Don't you just love hanging out at the airport? I love that since I was a kid, I studied there for my exams and watched in awe at the lovely stewardesses and charming pilots dashing past. I love the mad frenzy the place turned into at times. I love watching people hugging in joy as they greeted their loved ones at the arrival hall... I witnessed some of the most moving scenes - little tears streaming down as a young lady waved goodbye not knowing when she'll see her loved one again.. a mother, putting on a strong front and literally biting her lips to fight back her tears as she bidded goodbye to her son who'll probably be away for years, studying abroad... I see sadness, I see joy, I see calmness, I see a rush. Most importantly... I see how HUGE the world is and how much I want to explore and visit every corners of this world and meet the craziest culture, the most beautiful architectural, the most amazing beaches and not to forget, the widest range of human species. I want to hear every single accent, befriend every single race, know every single religion and touch the hearts of every single one. The airport... that's where my dreams begin.
And that's where my dinner starts. It was my second time at BULGGOGI Korean Restaurant. It adopts a barbeque/steamboat concept and the place is quite nice. We had lots of lovely seafood the first time we went there. We decided to be wild carnivorous and opt for all the meat we could find!!
And that's where my dinner starts. It was my second time at BULGGOGI Korean Restaurant. It adopts a barbeque/steamboat concept and the place is quite nice. We had lots of lovely seafood the first time we went there. We decided to be wild carnivorous and opt for all the meat we could find!!
First of all, I have to apologise. This is indeed my first blog so I don't really have a habit to take pictures everywhere I go. Heck, I don't even own a camera! I know I should probably take some pictures BEFORE I start attacking the food *blush*blush*... but hey this is still better than a shot of my leftovers! haha...
What do you get when you leave two clueless chicks to cook? Seriously, this is the closest I get to real cooking!!

Wow I'm hungry just looking back at all these pictures...

And THAT is my signature ring! I've worn that ring for ages now.. I reckon close to 6 years! In fact, a funny thing just happened earlier. I went to the clinic again after breaking out in rashes this morning -the very same clinic I went to two days ago cos I was down with what I know now as VIRAL INFECTION. Cos of the fact I have had flu, I had to wear a mask today as per two days ago. Nurses in the clinic all wore masks thus all we could see were each others' eyes.
I had to have my blood pressure and temperature checked. The nurse asked me,"Your fever has not subside?" Wow. She remembered me? She remembered my eyes?? Or was I wearing the same clothes as I was 2 days ago? Looking at my quizzical expression, she explained, "Oh I recognised you from your ring." How amazing! It's like my freaking DNA!
Anyways my beloved ring is of a peacock with lovely intricate design and yes... if I were to be a bird, I'll be a peacock, walking around with pride and being a a little snooty hehe well I think women should be made that way. Women SHOULD play hard to get and women who worships/loves and talk about men all the time are a.. what's that word again .. TURN OFF?!!!! *roll eyes in exasperation*
I even told myself IF I were to get married, I would want an exact replica of that ring! Covered with diamonds of course. Never fails to stump any men. Oh look the way I disgustingly and shamelessly zoomed in my ring! hahahaha.... Reminds you of those celebrity magazine isn't it when stars are spotted with rings and the magazine never fails to zoom in on those blings! hahahaha... Aah well, move aside Paris, I think mine rocks more! Bleah!
Oh yea have to tell you guys about my fave drink at BULGGOGI!!! Check this out:
I know you guys must be wondering what the hell is that thing???! Is it a freaking FOETUS?!
No my child, that is GINSENG! (Ginseng is each of eleven species of slow-growing perennial plants with fleshy roots, in the Panax genus, in the family Araliaceae) This exotic drink is called THE WOLFBERRY GINSENG. I love the fusion of sweetness and weird bitterness of this drink, it simply made it FASCINATING. A must try even for none sweet lover like me (yes I don't even take sugar with my tea, I like it raw mannnn)! Alritey I'm off to do some reading now, have great night!
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