I am one of those very very skinny high school kid but strangely with an unsightly paunch! I certainly am not crazy enough to post my high school pictures, just for those of you who have no idea what Im talking about, here goes...

See that? It made me look like a totally undecisive moron - like hey, you wanna be fat or skinny?? Thank God, fate decided for me as my belly fats (or maybe thats baby fats??) just shed off after I graduated.
Recently I went to TOPSHOP to try on this gorgeous dress I have in fact tried on before! Always the smallest size for me. Anyways asked the sales lady for my size and I tried it on and holy crap, it didnt fit snugly as before! In fact... it was kinda... LOOSE!!!!!!!! I was darn flabbergasted and was so upset thinking how on earth could I possibly loose any weight when I have been eating like a freaking cow?!!! It was when I did a double check with the sales lady that we realised, she had given me a size bigger! Oh, thank God!!!!!!!!!
The dress!!!

I love the gorgeous beadwork:

I later related the incident to my gf, SY (over beautiful Korean bbq/steamboat dinner) and she was like, "Omg. I can't imagine myself being upset at the thought of losing weight!!" You see, SY has been trying to lose weight. (The awesome thing is, she don't do it by totally curbing her appetite, which is fantastic cos too many complications occur when women starve themselves and I honestly don't believe in dieting! In fact that big-as-a-house gf of mine who taunted me of being an aneroxic, once fainted in a school hall before back in high school, cos she had been starving herself!!! Not to mention, great loss of hair from all the lacking of nutrients and such..) Inspiration shown on her face, she declared, "That's it! That's my new goal! I want to be at the point of being UPSET when I lose weight!!" Hahahahahaha...
Well, skinny-skinny isn't really attractive. If you are naturally skinny, I think you gotta get them toned! So which bod am I aiming for? I have never really been known for my curves, rather the lack of it hahaha... and truth be told, that's the kinda body I'm pretty much at ease with! If God were to offer me a D cup jugs or a black woman's ass, I might have to turn him down! I have never had a 'womanly body' nor do I want it. I don't think I feel too comfortable being too womanly and curvy, I just like me... perhaps a more toned up me. Slightly more meat too please.
I had a discussion with E before on the kinda body I might wanna mould my body into. I want toned, toned, toned. He did think a woman should not be too muscular, aahh well I can appreciate that. This is the bod I fancy and that I think looks GREAT:

She is my absolute favourite Victoria Secret model. She's skinny but for some reason, she has boobs! Aah well we can't all be VS material can we? If we can, I will be strutting around in feathers and wings by now. Another bod I REALLY REALLY like is:

Yes Jillian Michaels! I think Jillian is smoking smoking HOT. Very fit, toned and gorgeous. That's where E and I couldn't see eye to eye. He apparently thought Jillian is way too muscular and looks like a man. Oh c'mon I beg to differ, she's sexy, healthy and looks like a girl who can take care of herself! Check out that abs!!! Oh Jillian, you are my inspiration, I'll start digging out for my dumbells in the store room later today!!! Wow check out those arms!! To die for! Look at her, I don't think any man would even DARE to give her the boot - unless they don't mind being punched in the nose.
Ok I know I owe you guys pictures of breathtaking Turkey! It's coming!!!
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