Is that amazing or amazing? I can't recall how many times I've watched that repeatedly! I love it to bits! Something about how simple, pure and full of laughter and joy that is! Why oh why do people especially my dear ladies always fretting about every single minute details on their wedding??? What is it about this complete, uncomprehensible obsession with having the PERFECT wedding??? What is the perfect wedding anyways???

Is the perfect wedding one that threatens for bankruptcy? You are right on the dot I have an issue with marriage. I find it all too creepy and scary for my liking! Marriage is getting more and more of a joke these days as people are just treating it with lesser and lesser respect and dedication. I almost find it useless. The horrors of being with just one person for the rest of your life without a guarantee he/she will never have a change of heart for you say 5 or 10 years time. I certainly am not in a hurry to tie the knot and barely think much about it. I do know of women however who are simply in denial, declaring total nonchalance on marriage but secretly harbouring the thought of getting married!!! haha.. Honestly I don't care if age is catching up on me and whatever biological clock or what have you...
Speaking of biological clock,lets talk about MEN's biological clock! I found this off the net that I want to share with you guys! hahaha hilarious...

True? Not? What say you? ;)
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