TURKEY!!!! WOOOOHoooo..... I know it's not exactly a common and ideal place to move to, strange huh? So what is the reason behind my rather unique choice??!
Is it because of...


their ridiculously amazing kebabs?? (salivating just thinking about it, I grew weak in the knees for Turkish cuisines!)
OR perhaps a special friend? That's E by the way.

Ok ok honestly its a mixture of everything. Turkey is known for her rich culture. A gorgeous mix of modernity yet still retaining a charming element of ancient heritage and architectural. How amazing is that? I have never been there and am truly damn EXCITED to head there despite the donkey-years flight hours that comes with it!
It certainly helps that I know people there so this is by right a decision supported by few factors. I've just finished my Diploma in TESOL and am waiting anxiously for my results (I ll bang my head on the wall if I get a C!) and with THAT cert baby, Im ready to roam the world! Muahahahaha... (okok pardon the evil laughter, not as if Im gonna conquer the world or anything)
I ll include some breathtaking pics of Turkey in my next post! Till then night guys! ;)
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