THE PROPOSAL - the new movie is out now as you guys would already have known and what can I say? 5 out of 5 popcorns!!!! hoorayyyy

This movie is AWESOME andI love it to bits. Ok, like most chicks, I've always been a romantic-comedy kinda person but I reckon I'm a rather hard to please viewer. What do you expect?? I'm a Gemini, I smile and am all charming and turn hysterical and grouchy the next second! Little things could affect my mood. Ok, going on the basis of judging a romantic comedy... if the actress is too pretty and yada yada yada, I'll think this is darn unrealistic... (yea ok so I know it is a MOVIE).. A romantic comedy has to be just right you see... the right humour... the right casts, the right environment... whether it makes sense or simply a desperate attempt of the producers'... it must be something I can associate it with... me - the freaking viewer.
First off, major brownie point - SANDRA BULLOCK. Now this cute as a button actress will always remain as one of my major top actress for a romantic comedy film. It has got to be Sandra Bullock. She's adorable, pretty, unintimating. She's really someone most chicks can relate too, well unless you look like Princess Fiona.
In this movie, Sandra came equipped with her more evident wrinkles but guess what? She hasn't lost her charm. She's hilarious, super cute and darn likeable even as a hard ass boss. Ryan Reynolds, this likeable yet hot dude is another bonus. His expressions are priceless. These two are the bomb and they are so freaking hilarious. The story plot is excellent, everything falls into place. What can I say, I love it! It's been ages since a movie made me laugh SO HARD! Perhaps the fact that I have 4 days left of work has alot to do with it as well! ;p
Not gonna be such a spoiler, go watch it. Hope you'll love it as much as I do!
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